Language Preparation

Compared to a number of countries, living and education costs in Azerbaijan are considered affordable. The education system in the country, which manifests itself as a synthesis of the West and the East, is constantly developing, constantly moving forward with innovations. Besides education, students studying here can spend their student life in the way they want in a lively social life. Located in several climate zones, Azerbaijan attracts attention with its natural diversity, and is also a country where representatives of different languages, religions, and races live in mutual dialogue, where intercultural dialogues are developing.

In Azerbaijan educational system includes undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

International students can attend in preparation courses before university (depending from their language levels) in Azerbaijan. If the foreign student who will study in Azerbaijan does not have enough knowledge about the language of education he/she chooses, then preparatory education in that language is required.

Most of Azerbaijan Universities require foreign students to take preparatory studies. Exceptionally, the students of Ganja State Agrar University, Ganja State University and Caspian University are accepted from the first year. The preparation period varies from 6 months to a year. Costs vary depending on universities and specialties. Students completing this preparatory course receive certificates confirming their knowledge of the relevant language of instruction.