Azerbaijan State Medical University

The Azerbaijan Medical University

The Azerbaijan Medical University is a scientific centre that brings together thousands of students from around the globe and trains experts in medicine, specialities, and science. The educational process here is closely tied to advances in the sphere of health and scientific research.

The Baku State University's medical faculty served as the foundation for Azerbaijan Medical University's founding in 1930. (BSU). From this perspective, our university, which is regarded as the medical faculty of BSU's successor, has a history that spans almost a century.

The greatest scientific and medical facility in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Medical University has been in operation for more than 50 years and offers a wealth of educational facilities, dormitories for students, clinics, and laboratories. Our university's research facilities are outfitted with cutting-edge technology, which elevates the value of academic inquiry and generates a sufficient pool of qualified candidates for careers in medicine.

There are 6 academic buildings, an office building, and 6 student hostels with 1,700 seats in addition to the 4 clinics that AMU now operates. There is only one 11-story modern educational structure that can hold 2,500 students. The university has a variety of theoretical departments, an Internet centre, a special library with a collection of roughly one million books, and the publishing company Tabib.



In the most developed nations in the world, the Azerbaijan Medical University offers a credit education system that has been proven effective. The Bologna process' implementation of the credit system enables the increased teacher and student mobility as well as student specialization in terms of their preferred subject areas and lecturers.

The credit system of education has been in use in the faculties of hope pharmacology, dentistry, and paediatrics since the academic ye of 2006–2007, 2009–2010, and 2010–2011, respectively.

The Republic of Azerbaijan's "Law on Education" was adopted in June 2009, creating the ideal environment for the changeover to the credit system of study and postgraduate education with a residency system. The training of scientific and educational workers in conformity with the new regulations is guaranteed by this law. With the implementation of the credit system in AMU, a new curriculum, theme modules, as well as joint meetings of students and parents with teachers and other staff members, were designed. To manage the training of credit systems and educational consultants who are tutors to coordinate the training with the credit system in the faculties, AMU has both types of professionals on staff.

Azerbaijan Medical University's educational program is generally governed by the Law on Education, the Law on the Protection of Public Health, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Improving the Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as pertinent orders and orders of the Ministries of Health and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Many students have access to grants for specializations in summer programs at foreign universities because of the university's international relations.

At the same time, students from other nations, such as Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, the United States, and others, participate in AMU Summer Schools.




To advance dental growth, offer patients high-quality medical care, and train qualified dentists, AMU's Educational-Dental Clinic was founded in 2002.

The dental clinic has divisions for pediatric dentistry, orthopaedic, oral, and facial surgery. There are departments for therapy, orthodontics, periodontology, implantology, physiotherapy, roentgenology, and the laboratory in addition to the dental department for students of the faculty of medical prevention and other faculties.

The dental clinic offers the community high-quality dental care, serves as a base for students to do research and development work, and educates highly skilled physicians and dentists.

The Dental Clinic also houses a training facility. In addition to 13 offices, there are ghost offices. All dental residents and senior students conduct clinical dentistry here and accept the patient.

Students get practical skills, practice in fully functional, modern classrooms, and take part in a variety of surgical procedures. They work with the newest tools and materials available in dentistry.



Since 2013, the Azerbaijan Medical University's surgical clinic has begun operating. There are 18 departments and 28 divisions in the 500-bed clinic's surgical and diagnostic regions.

Along with training, the population receives top-notch surgical and medical care in a clinic that is housed in a 13-story skyscraper. General surgery, pediatric surgery, pelvic surgery, ophthalmology, traumatology, neurosurgery, and other departments are available at the clinic. Modern amenities are available at the facility.

The clinic's core laboratory is situated on a high floor and houses divisions for biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, molecular genetics, and other fields.

The lab is equipped with cutting-edge, fully automated biochemical, microbiological, immunological, genetic, and other analyzers commonly found in reference labs at top institutions throughout the world. This enables you to efficiently and accurately carry out any laboratory testing.

The clinic is equipped with all required tools, including wards wan ith inventory. There are 18 surgical rooms and 5 intensive care units with a total of 20 beds on the third floor.

Multipurpose electric beds made in Europe, centralized gas systems, monitoring, and artificial respirators are all present in the reanimation rooms.

Operational procedures can be loaded into a medical institution's medical archive and transported to classrooms, training and conference rooms, as well as to highly qualified specialists abroad, with the aid of a specific multifunctional lighting system and cameras.

In the media centre, to increase the knowledge and skills of students, residents and doctoral students, there is a lecture hall and a laboratory. Anatomical, functional models and mannequins, having no analogues in the CIS, have been installed in workshops for the training of young professionals at the highest level.




The Azerbaijan Medical University's main library is housed in the school's fifth building. It has a main fund, a fund for books, a fund for foreign literature, a fund for periodicals, a fund for newspapers, a fund for dissertations and author's abstracts, a fund for textbooks, and a staff service department.

There are 3 reading rooms in the library with space for 260 persons. There are 32 seats for individual laptops in one of the halls. There are 9 PCs available to help readers. More than 10,000 people visit our library each year, over 600,000 books are given out to readers, and the book fund has reached 805,000 volumes.



At the faculty of public health, highly skilled specialists are tau in "medical preventive."

The I–II years are mostly used to teach medical basics, whereas IV–VIV–VI years are used to teach specialist topics.

The following specialities can be studied by faculty members who are enrolled in the residency: social hygiene, microbiology, laboratory work, epidemiology, infectious illnesses, and healthcare administration.

The faculty now consists of 10 departments and a research unit.



In 2000, on the initiative of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, the Department of Military Medicine was established. At this faculty paramedics with secondary education are also able to receive higher education.



The fundamentals of pharmaceutical science are taught by the pharmaceutical faculty. Students also learn theoretical aspects of medicine in addition to their specific coursework. Students obtain academic information about the creation of novel drugs in addition to the practical skills they acquthroughhout the quality control of medicines.

Students in the faculty get in-depth knowledge about the nature and effects of medications on the body, as well as knowledge and experience in the introduction of contemporary methods of chemical analysis and the acquisition of new drugs. Additionally, students engage in research projects related to the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. The pharmaceutical faculty has produced specialists over the years for other former USSR nations in addition to Azerbaijan (including Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Armenia). The faculty offers instruction to people from countries including Turkey, Iran, Syria, Angola, Nigeria, Sudan, Iraq, and Afghanistan, among others. In addition, Azerbaijan has more than 5000 highly qualified pharmacists who are undergraduates and graduates of the AMU Pharmaceutical Faculty.

The pharmacy faculty has 8 departments. Over 44 faculty members have currently defended their candidate theses on pharmaceuticals in the faculty's specialized departments, and 11 people have defended their doctoral dissertations. Graduates of this university include several eminent chemists and biologists who work for ANAS.

There are now 400 students enrolled in the faculty. The majority of graduates continue their education in the areas of the pharmaceutical organization, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, and toxicological chemistry. Studying for the magistracy takes two years.



The college of dentistry offers advanced training in the profession of "dentistry" to highly competent specialists. Along with the fundamentals of medicine, the following are taught by the faculty: oral and maxillofacial surgery, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, implantology, therapeutic dentistry, and the prevention of dental diseases.

The University's dental clinic, established in 2002, offers the best instruction in specialized disciplines. Students take practical classes, learn practical skills, and participate in various surgical procedures in the clinic's equipped classrooms, X-ray diagnostics department, and dental technical laboratories.

The following specializations can be studied by faculty members who have completed their residency programs: dentistry, facial surgery, social hygiene, and healthcare administration.

Currently, there are 8 departments in the Faculty of Dentistry. The department also carries out scientific research aimed at improving the diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive methods of dental diseases and their complications.



The environment has been set up at AMU for the efficient management of students' spare time. The institution has a facility for sports and recreation, a swimming pool indoors, a health camp called "Nabran," a research centre, an Internet centre, etc. The institution has a variety of popular cultural organizations, including the dance ensemble "Chinar" and the "Merry and Witty" group. The "Graduation Day," which celebrates AMU graduates, is held after each academic year. Graduates take the Hippocratic oath and give newcomers a white robe, cap, and phonendoscope as a representation of the doctor.