Azerbaijan State University of Architecture and Construction

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction is an educational institution that has its place and authority among the higher educational institutions of our country, which has rich educational traditions, strong intellectual and human potential.
The university, which was founded in 1975 by the great leader Heydar Aliyev, teaches in Azerbaijani, Russian and English.
The teaching staff is 595 people. About 10,000 students study at 8 faculties in 25 specialties at the bachelor's level and 26 specialties at the master's level. About 700 foreign students from 14 countries of the world study there.

The university has a building college and a lyceum with a physical and mathematical bias, as well as a design institute since 2010. The university has 4 educational buildings with a total area of ​​49,000 m2, a campus and a sports complex.
In 1920, the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction functioned as the Faculty of Civil Engineering as part of the Baku Polytechnic College, in 1932-34 as the independent Azerbaijan Construction Institute (ACI), since 1934 as the Faculty of Civil Engineering as part of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. In 1951, in connection with the formation of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute, he was transferred there in the status of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction.
In 1975, on the initiative of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, the Azerbaijan Civil Engineering Institute was established by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since 1992, the institute has received the status of a university. On June 13, 2000, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, this university was renamed into Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction.

From the 2022/2023 academic year, admission of foreign citizens to the university is carried out through

Admission of foreign citizens to the university is carried out from August 25 to September 15 of each academic year.

Foreign citizens can study in all specialties taught at the university.

Admission documents:

Application addressed to the head of the Higher Education İnstitution

-document on education (transcript) showing the subjects passed at the previous level of education and the grades received from those subjects and duly legalized education;

- health certificate, including the absence of AIDS, hepatitis B and C viruses;

-reliable border crossing document;

- 6 photos  3x4 (cm in size);

- Certificate of examination in the language of instruction (for those who do not study at the Preparatory Faculty)

- Copies of honorary awards, certificates, diplomas and similar documents

These documents must be translated into Azerbaijani and notarized.

Certificate of completion of the Preparatory Faculty in accordance with the chosen specialty is important for foreign citizens admitted to the University.

Foreign citizens who present a certificate (diploma) in Azerbaijani, Russian or English in connection with high school or university graduation can be admitted to the first year of the university without studying at the Preparatory Faculty.

Foreigners wishing to study in English-language specialties are exempt from the language test if they have IELTS or TOEFL certificates in English (IELTS 5.0 points for bachelor's degree, TOEFL 40 points; IELTS 5.5 points for master's degree, TOEFL 50 points).

The language level of foreign citizens is checked by an interview commission established at the university, and if appropriate, admission to the university is formalized. 

A contract is concluded between a foreign citizen and the university for tuition on a paid basis. The contract is valid for the entire period of study.