Azerbaijan State University of Economics(UNED)

Azerbaijan State University of Economics, which was founded in 1930,
is one of the largest higher education institutions in the Southern Caucasus.
There are 10 faculties operating at UNEC with more than 18.000 students studying on 22 specialities.

More than one thousand teachers, as well as  77 professors and 326 assistant professors among whom figure actual members of the National Academy of Sciences, New-York academy of Sciences, laureates of State Awards, honoured teachers and scientists work at the University.

More than 850 students from 12 countries of the world study bachelor and master degrees at UNEC.

The Azerbaijan State University of Economics has connections with foreign universities.

Thus, ASUE cooperates with the Siegen University of Germany in the direction of organizing summer and winter schools. In 2016, a winter school was held at the University of Siegen, in which participated teachers and students from both universities. A joint project entitled "Entrepreneurship education: as the main factor in creation of jobs and employment in Azerbaijan" started in 2016 and is planned to be completed in 2019.

UNEC was declared the winner of the TEMPUS IV program of the 6th convocation for a project called "Development and improvement of university management in the field of international relations". As a winner, ASUE was awarded a grant for implementation by the European Commission. In 2017, this project, whose goal was the formation of international relations based on the attraction of students and teachers in the international educational environment, was realized. Closing ceremony was attended by such personalities as the rector of ASUE Adalat Muradov, head of the office of the national program Erasmus+ Azerbaijan Parviz Bagirov, representative of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Yashar Omarov, UK University of Warwick Fellow James Kennedy, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Programs ASUE Shahin Bayramov and as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

In 2015, for the first time in Azerbaijan, ASUE joined the International Program of the London University – the London School of Economics (LSE). Within the framework of this program, ASUE students receive education both in accordance with the curriculum of ASUE and in the curriculum of the London School of Economics. Students are provided with all the necessary materials and benefits, and upon completion of the training the students of this program receive two diplomas.

In addition to the London School of Economics and Politics, students can receive a second diploma from the French University of Montpellier in 2016. This can be done in two ways: students can go to the University of Montpellier from the third year to continue their studies for a year there, or continue their studies at ASUE, but according to the curricula of Montpellier. In both cases, students receive accreditation and a second diploma from the University of Montpellier.

Azerbaijan State University of Economics is the only economic-based university in Azerbaijan and one of the largest universities of the South Caucasus announces the admission of international students in 21 specialties according to bachelor’s and master’s programmes.

Education is conducted in four languages including Azerbaijani, English Russian and Turkish.

Admission to the programmes available at UNEC is conducted through the online application.  Foreign students apply online with required documents using student application portal by choosing the specialty and teaching language through the and get admitted to UNEC if they are eligible to the chosen programmes. Along with relevant documents, foreigners are also required to submit a recommendation letter. (at least 2) If needed, applicants are invited to an interview via Skype or phone.

It should be noted that UNEC is among the top 200 universities in the region, according to the QS rating agency is being ranked 4th as the economic-based university in the ranking of Emerging Europe and Central Asia Universities.