Nakhchivan State University

Among the various universities in Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan State University holds a unique position. A total of 108 hectares of the university's campus are dedicated to its 108 hectares of contemporary teaching facilities. The university's teaching staff and students can use the electronic classrooms, labs, internet centers, and electronic library, all of which are furnished with contemporary information technology. The entire university area has wireless internet access via Wi-Fi. A statehood-directed, cutting-edge institution of higher learning, Nakhchivan State University has a strong national foundation and is globally integrated.

More than 50 universities from four continents have inked incorporation agreements with Nakhchivan State University, enhancing its global connections. The university has trustworthy allies and allies around the world. At the moment, Nakhchivan State University is implementing 3 TEMPUS grant projects. The European Rectors Club, the Universities of Asian Association, the Association of Universities of the Black Sea Sector, The Rectors Society of Eurasia Silk Way University, and the Unity of Caucasus Universities are all organizations that Nakhchivan State University belongs to. The membership is very important to NSU's cultural life and helps to foster global partnerships and host international symposiums.

The creation of a cultural atmosphere at NSU is aided by a TV studio, "Nuhchikhan" radio studio, a theater studio, dance and vocal groups, and choral collectives. For the students who are participating in sports, the university offers all contemporary facilities.

The university offers a wide range of chances and chances to further your education, gain knowledge and a positive view, hone your skills and abilities, and have a great time. The Nakhchivan State University has a modern students' home that is thought of as a living house in the modern style, in contrast to traditional students' hostels.

We welcome you, extend an invitation to collaborate with us, and wish you well as a student at our institution. The university of the twenty-first century is Nakhchivan State University.